Sunday 28 August 2011

bubble bath

I have to say I like nothing better than a soak in a hot bath full of bubbles, especially after having battled with sheep all day. However, the bubbles in this posting aren't quite the ones I would choose to relax with.

It was the 26th August. Shep had been working for the elderly farmer over in Cumbria. It had been a mizzly dank morning when I had left the North Tyne and set off heading west, I ran into rain then thick fog before arriving over the border in Cumbria to find it was a bright morning, the proceedings went well, sheep were dosed and sorted but unfortunately in the afternoon waterproofs were donned as the weather worsened. Nothing too serious, just sufficient precipitation to make sheep wet to handle and have the inconvenience of wearing waterproofs on a milder day.

On returning home I was told we had suffered a deluge. T'was the day before Bellingham Show and the heavens had opened, cloud bursts were mentioned, thunder rain, downpours, burns reaching their banks. Umm? Can't say I'd noticed!

Bellingham Show morning dawned and it was wet, had been wet during the night also. Fortunately it blew out and the show was fortunate enough to have a dry day for the proceedings. That evening I exercised the dogs and headed towards the linn.

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This is the same linn (waterfall) which was frozen over in the winter, upon reaching it I was aware that there had indeed been a great deal of rainfall with the brown peaty waters boiling over into the cauldron below.

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The bubble bath had me enthralled, it really takes very little to amuse me, although I have to say the dogs were bemused. I ended up taking photo after photo of bubbles, all the while hoping to god I didn't fall in, definitely didn't look as appetising as a warm bath that's for sure!

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These aren't man made, this is nature once again at her best. Heavy rainfall causing the linn to boil, although not quite literally as I'm sure the temperature of the water wouldn't be anywhere near boiling point.

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I finally had my fill of photographing bubbles, much to the dogs delight, until that is something else caught my eye.

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buzzy things this time

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Eventually I dragged myself away, the dogs weren't too sure whether they ought to move or not, was I really resuming our walk or just heading off to photo something else? Relief showed on their faces when they realised this was for real and off we were.

On returning home, the other half said "By, that must have been a long walk?" My reply? "Umm, not really!"