That's what was going through my head as I drove home last night, a manic week has just passed me by - pretty normal by my standards - but today was heading to be a quiet one, if the weather would hold wouldn't it be nice to sit with a Pimms in the shade? The weather has held but there was to be no Pimms and no parasol for Shep today (have to say I'm not really that type but you can always dream!).
The dogs have been flat out, my shearing may have come to an end but sheep needed gathering for other farmers who still had the shearers coming in. I'll introduce you to the dogs someday, they are my right hand, I would be totally lost without them and unable to do the job I do and boy have they worked hard this week.
Tuesday night after gathering, shedding sheep, fetching sheep forward for shearers and being at it all day the mobile rang on the way home - an s.o.s to help a shearer out who's partner had been called away from the shed, always obliging I trotted along, didn't quite manage to round my total up but found myself only requiring another 17 sheep to hit the two and a half thousand mark, I would manage that no bother with the stragglers that'll come in later this month.
Wednesday and the weather picked up A DRY, SUNNY DAY !! ALL DAY !! Great, as dogs and I were helping a farmer who had 470 to be clipped out doors on the hill, not by me I may add, oh no, a couple of lads young enough and fit enough to do the job with their eyes closed and a tremendous job they did with an early finish all considered. The dogs were weary as some of the sheep needed gathering at midday due to lack of room in the pens, the heat was up and dogs were thocking (panting) but they soldiered on as they do.
Thursday dawned bright and cheerful and another hot, dry day followed, dogs and I dipping all day. No, not clipping, DIPPING. Sheep manhandled into a sheep dip where they find themselves immersed in water and get a good bathing. Another subject to discuss at a later date.
It wasn't just the dogs that were weary as we travelled home last night, Shep was too. A splitting headache didn't help and so to cheer myself up I thought of the Pimms and parasol, no need to rise at 6am, with a relaxing day to follow - bliss!!
The 'phone rang last night and a days clipping for today was arranged. And so I've now passed the magical two and a half thousand mark and know it can't be rounded up to the 3,000 as there are no rough sheep left in the area to my knowledge.
Have to say it has been a leisurely day, thoroughly enjoyed myself, in fact could almost class it as a days holiday. The crack flowed, with a break every hour to mop our brows and compare burnt T-shirt lines, no panic to get finished and back home mid afternoon - what more could one ask for on a day off? Beats Pimms and a parasol that's for sure, just a shame the pub was closed as a pint would have gone down well on the way home. Tomorrow? well that's Saturday and a day dipping big fat Texel ewes is the treat in store for me and the dogs, weather permitting.
No one is getting time off at the moment, tractors are fleeing around the countryside as silage and even hay is getting made. The weather is giving everyone a kind spell and they are making the most of it, watch this space and I'll endeavour to keep you informed of the progress on the machinery front.
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Friday, 7 August 2009
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About Me

- Tarset Shepherd
- Tarset, Northumberland
- A peculiar individual by my own admission. One who has been compared (character wise) with a cheviot ewe!
Recommended Reading
- Woolshed1 blog
An insight into the agricultural heritage of Northumberland and farming in New Zealand, by Dr Clive Dalton - Shepherds Delight blog
Shepherding in the Scottish Western Isles - Dafad's-Days blog
Itinerant observer and thinker
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