Here we are, the end of January and things are looking up, or so we would hope, it always pays to remain optimistic, you'd get depressed otherwise.
You could be forgiven for thinking the snow has eventually gone, unfortunately it is still managing to linger on the highest ground in Tarset and further a field. Cheviot can be seen from many areas of Northumberland and it still appears to be totally white, thankfully I don't live on Cheviot.
The snow where Shep lives has all but gone, if you open your eyes there is still an odd little bit here and there, it gives you a sense of security until you raise your eyes to the higher ground where gullies, slacks and dyke backs are still hanging on to the white stuff.
The above photo was taken late this afternoon, the 31st January, and as you can see for yourselves that white stuff is still around and as we are having frosty nights and clear cold days it will not be moving in a hurry.
The winter so far has been a costly one. Fodder is getting low, some ran out of hay, others are more fortunate. Those with plenty of in-bye ground which is suitable for making hay went into the winter with a decent stash but even some of those think they may well be short by the winters end. Some dependant on buying the stuff in were to the point of running out when the fresh arrived and enabled wagons access to fetch more fodder in.
Hill sheep are hardy characters, during an open (mild) winter they may never see a bite of hay and only begin to receive supplementary feeding such as sheep cake or feed blocks when they are getting closer to lambing. However, in weather such as we've just experienced they need hay and feed. A month of harsh weather has left big holes in full hay sheds and supplies of feeding stuffs depleted.
Deliveries have been going on all over the valley. Bulk wagons of sheep cake arriving on farms and blowing their contents either into buildings or feed towers. Tons of feed blocks and pallet fulls of sheep cake in bags being unloaded at other farms. Hay and silage being delivered to those who need it. The agricultural feed merchants have been kept busy.
As have fuel merchants, with heating oil, diesel, coal all being replenished - just in case.
I've said earlier that sheep went into the winter in good physical fettle - mother natures way mebbes as they've needed that fettle. Well farmers had a good trade in the back end for their lambs, is that mother natures way too?
Trade for lambs has been dire for far too many years, it was good to see the frowns on farmers faces abate slightly as they saw their stock sell successfully, realising prices which would help them remain in farming, hopefully allowing them to draw a better wage as many will be living on the minimum wage if not less, especially the tenant farmers.
This 'spare' cash, if there actually was any, is now being spent. Winter came early and at a cost. Some sheep have died, fortunately not too many but again at a cost - the loss of a productive sheep with the added insult of paying to dispose of the carcase. A double whammy.
One farm which doesn't have ground suitable for making hay or silage and so buys it all in at the end of summer (sufficient to see them through the winter), has had to buy as much in again and truly hope this will see them through the winter. Two other farmers I have heard of lately are putting a cost of £10,000 on this past month. Both farms with large hill flocks which wouldn't normally see a cost of this degree so early in the winter.
Not only has it been a difficult time but also a costly time.
February is often the month when winter can arrive, I wonder what it will have in store for us? Fortunately, everyone has had time to replenish their stocks of everything and anything, both in the farmyard and the house, they are ready for whatever nature sends their way.
Shep remains optimistic,even though the weather forecasters are still threatening snow. The snowdrops are sticking their heads out, soon to give us a floral display to warm the heart and have us believe spring is around the corner. Flocks of Fieldfares are cheering up the out bye ground, again giving a feeling that spring may well arrive. An early spring, although still a way off yet, could be mother natures answer, easing the fodder situation as grass grows early in the season. Let's hope so.
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Sunday, 31 January 2010
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About Me

- Tarset Shepherd
- Tarset, Northumberland
- A peculiar individual by my own admission. One who has been compared (character wise) with a cheviot ewe!
Recommended Reading
- Woolshed1 blog
An insight into the agricultural heritage of Northumberland and farming in New Zealand, by Dr Clive Dalton - Shepherds Delight blog
Shepherding in the Scottish Western Isles - Dafad's-Days blog
Itinerant observer and thinker
Your posts are very interesting to read, I really enjoy them. You mentioned 'otter' you get to see them? I have never seen an otter before.
Love all the photos tooo.
Hi there
I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful blog, it is so informative and interesting and your stories are great. I was born and bread in London and now live in Scotland, where I have recently started going out with a farmer, mainly sheep and a few cattle. I knew nothing about this type of work or the country or farming at all. I have loved reading your posts and learning about it all and your photos are fantastic. You're blog has been a great education for me so I have a better idea of what my boyfriend's life is all about. Recently I've been helping feed the sheep and going up to the farm more and your stories have given me the confidence to help out as I at least have a bit of knowledge now! And the boyfriend seems impressed when I come out with a few facts here and there!
So I will keep eagerly reading and learning and, who knows, perhaps one day in the future I'll be living a similar life and starting my own blog :o)
Thanks again
Hi Jilly,Thank you for your kind words. Yep, have got to see otter tracks, you'd be very fortunate to see otters due to the nature of the beast but the whole of the Tarset and North Tyne area has resident otters. One was seen last March in the headlights of a vehicle driven by the shepherd from out-bye, it was eating an eel at the time, another injured one found in a drain (near DC) far from a burn which subsequently died. Keep your eyes peeled for signs, a shrill whistling sound, splashes etc. There is a hide up at Kielder for viewing them if you're the patient sort. Might be another thing I write about sometime!!
NQ - hi there! Your comment has made this blog worthwhile. When I set off to do this my aim was to hope that someone somewhere might end up with a better understanding of the countryside, farming and the people involved in these things.
I don't understand how people find this blog but obviously some do. I'm so pleased that you find it helpful and that you are obviously enjoying the farming and countryside experience. A challenge to you no doubt at times, but as I say "life without a challenge is boring" Hope your confidence continues to grow as you help your boyfreind out with the farmwork and I'll look forward to the blog sometime. Out of curiosity what sort of sheep has he got? and don't say woolly ones!!
Well, yes, they are woolly! He has Scottish Blackface and crosses them with Bluefaced Leicester to breed Scotch Mules... I think, if that sounds right!
NQ - sounds like you know what you're talking about. Thank you for that info.
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