Friday 5 March 2010

snow bathing

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Okay, I can hear you muttering............. What the hell is that meant to be? Well, try looking a bit closer..
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Still none the wiser huh? Well it is one of my dogs having a snow bath and loving every minute of it. Both dogs love to roll in snow, dewy grass or anything which they feel will freshen them up, I'm sure it's their version of a shower. Although I must admit they also enjoy rolling on dead carcases or fox and badger shit which I can guarantee to you has the opposite effect of freshening up!
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This dog - Moss - had been gathering sheep for an hour when I stopped the bike and he took his opportunity to 'freshen up', or maybe he was cooling down, or even trying to dislodge the snow balls (shown on the first photo)which were clinging to the fur on his under carriage. What ever he was doing he thoroughly enjoyed the experience before we went on our way to gather yet more sheep.