Friday 16 December 2011

tup fight

Tups a fighting leads to a tup fight! A chance arose to photograph what I had written about in the previous posting.

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These boys look like they're just standing a bit close to one another when in actual fact they are sizing each other up, beginning to grumble

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Not feeling too chuffed to see one another, they had just been brought in off the ewes where both sheep had been top tup, bullying any others they had been sharing the ewes with

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they were both determined that they would still be top tup, shouldering on with each other, the scrum had begun, pushing their weight around hoping to sicken on or the other off

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A head lock ensued but was to be short lived

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They parted and stepped back from one another before charging forward

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The battle had begun, only a fool would step between them

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A resonating thud as heads connected

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momentum sending the head down as the hind legs rose

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The photographer was beginning to get nervous, neither tup was prepared to stand down, the fight was getting ugly

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All tups were barred up tight in a small pen, no room for them to run back from one another then charge, they would have to be content with shoving their weight around instead until their humours lightened and they agreed to disagree like gentlemen

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scarred from battle the boys were left to cool down, accept their fate and accept one another. They had lived together happily up until 17 days previously, they needed to learn to do the same once again.

They may get a chance to go to ewes again next year or they may find themselves sold through the mart but hopefully they wont find themselves going off in the dead cart due to a duel to the death