Thursday 29 December 2011

Windy Days

Blimey! It ain't half been windy lately - not the brussel sprouts sort of windy (although there'll have been plenty of that an' all), that wind that whistles round our lugs sort of windy. Has definitely been blowing the cobwebs away that's for sure.

Christmas day was very mild and windy, unfortunately also wet with it. I shot off in the morning to do the jobs away out bye and had decided I was going to give the cows a rendition of 'We wish you a Merry Christmas', just in case they felt left out you understand. Plans changed and the cows were fed as quickly as possible due to the strength of the wind and the horizontal rain which accompanied it, making it difficult to lift your face up against the driving wetness. Daresay the cows were pleased to get caked in shelter, they would appreciate that more than some nutter singing to them, that bit was probably just for my own satisfaction as I do kinda like Christmas.

Thinking back over December wind seems to come to mind, along with rain, showers, mizzle, snow, rain, frost, wind, rain, more wind.......
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These photos were all taken on the 1st December - it was windy! And this is a sight which I just love, always marvel at. Might just look like a fence to you, but look closer.
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The pig net mesh fence finds it has become naturally woven with grasses
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Here you have the particular grasses which are to blame, known to me as flying bent, due no doubt to the fact that in strong winds it does indeed fly. It more than likely has a fancy name but flying bent will do for me. Coarse hill grass which has died off, the leaves taking on a new life as they adorn anything which comes in their way when the winds do blow. Entwining itself around the wires of a fence it leave intricate patterns on one side
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The other side resembles some sort of shaggy rug as the wind encourages the strands of grass to lie horizontally in the air. I just love the way this grass can transform what ever gets in its way, fences do tend to look the most dramatic but just to get me in the Christmas spirit ....
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The wind had also managed to decorate this self seeded tree, may not have a star or angel on the top but it is well and truly festooned and naturally so at that. A wild beauty. Quite fitting for the month of December.


Dafad said...

Hi Shep.
Hope you had a goodly ex-moose! Seems the weather has been kinder over fez-divity week.Have been up in the Fens at Dad's (he's not too well at the mo). Hope to update my blog very soon.
All the very best for the year ahead

Tarset Shepherd said...

All the best for 2012 to you too Dafad, and regards to your father, hope his health improves. Look forward to catching up with your blog soon. The fens are flat lands are they not? you'll be looking forward to getting back to your hill lands no doubt.

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